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Monday, October 13, 2008

Forgive Nigerians

There are things we do sometime and believe that is not registered or should i say the record is not been recorded, for or against us, Brother this is a fact, whatever we do today it is being recorded, believe it or not, there is a time machine that program our deed.
This massege is for those who collect money, materials things, properties of another person and believe that is ok. I read Nigeria news paper this morning on how a Nigerian defraud a Australian Man With wooping amount of money through scamm. These are things i want to tell all Foreigner that all Nigerian who ask you to pay any money to them to get something is not genuine person. Any business that you are ask by Nigerian to pay before transacting there is a question mark becarefull if you have not done any business with this person before do not try it, sometime they use Love as a strong point, now let me tell you about Love story in Nigeria when it involve Internet, There is no Nigerian That will accept Love on the internet, We are black and do not believe that anything like that exist, they only findout that the European people are easily fall in Love with anybdy they found on net, this is not so with Africans, we believe in physical emotion. Another thing is they usuall use pictures that are very beautifull this is to entice Men or Women to fall easily without so much talk, when they have acomplish all these tricks they will now wait usually 2-3weeks before asking you if you are in-love with them. once you accept it then they will ask to you if you can take care of them if you accept it then you are what they called "Maga", some weeks later, they will ask you for some minor money which is usually $100-$300 if you make mistake pay this amount of money, you will continue paying till you borrow from friends and family.
What i want to stress out is that you must be sure of who are sending money to before sending, we in Nigeria, we are very friendly, loving, accommodating and accepting, the business environment here is so friendly, because all those that where corrupting this great Nation are nap everyday, the remaining are on the run for their life. So we welcome every investor all round the globe to come and invest in Nigeria economy. God Bless Nigeria

Friday, October 10, 2008

Scammers In Naija Hot Jobs Site

The new way of scamers all round the Nigeria internet users this is no news that Nigeria is one of the most corrupt country in the globe today, but inspite of that, there are still some few Nigerian who are striving very had to make this country a save environment. Recently i notice that some individuals actually came up with an idea to built a website that will allow employer put any available position that is currently vacant in his/her company/ies, which allow the young graduate to apply, the website also allow business men to post what they offer to people who need them. But it is amazing how several scammers still find their way to this site to sacmm people, few months ago i was looking for a change of work and i came across this advert that they are looking for so many staff, and they post the company's name as Noble Gas and Oil limited, quickely i aplied and it not up to a week i got the result of my application that i have selected to attend interview in a place that they will publish in the news paper and will also mail it to my e-mail address, then when i checked the social website again i saw that someone had posted information about this company telling people to be aware that they are scammers, i did want to beleive this since i was desparetely looking for a new job, then a week later i got a text massege informing me the same thing that was send to my mail, the follwoing day i went to my e-mail and i saw this massege saying, i should pay some amount of money to get the materials for the test that is coming up three major city in the country, which exclude Lagos but Port-Harcourt and where all the place for the interview, that was when i found that really they wee scammers because no employer will ask an employee to pay befor he/she can get a job.
Also, the business side of the site is not left out as so many has been parating themselve as a potentiall business Men at the end they will collect your money and vanish into the thine air. they usually come up with sweet business idea that will entice the readers to want to involve and also commiitt his/ her had earn money to it, they will tell you how lucrative this business is, how you will turn little amount of money into milions of Naira and Dollars in just few days, thiugh i am not saying that there are no business that will actually turn your little capital to a large profit making business but all i am concern about is that most of them will never give the the rght information to start this business and they are always asking for money before they will give you the information, which is prohited in the site, that know body should send money to any person, if the few idividuals that design the website asked them to pay before advertising in their website would they pay for it? So ask yourself this Question before sending your had earn money to any body.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Beware Of scammers Do Not Fall Victim

style of fraudster
Some view weeks ago, i got a mail from someone i don't know, telling me about one promotional lottery been conducted in Canada for the promotion of 2010 world cup hosting by South Africa,straight he/she told me that i have won huge amount of money with some registration and ticket number that only God Know where they generate those numbers from. First, i was kind of shocked that i never played any lottery online, but i read through their tricks and i found out that they said that i got picked through randomly e-mail selected. After i send them back the message asking them to send the money into my account, they i did not take time to reply attaching a form for me to fill and send it back to that to confirmed that i am the real person they are actually sending this money to. the following the i took time to search Google to find out details about this unknown lottery, only to find out that this message has been send to many people before and most of them fall to this scamers, who will later send them request to send some money to them and that is the end of your so-called winning, you will not see any money nor the person that asked you to pay.
That is what is happening now in the world, you should know the kind of mail that comes in your in box do not give your mail to anybody. Stop patronizing fraudster, be a good citizen of your country. God bless Nigeria.

Never Give-up


Would like to work online from home and get paid without affecting your present job.